Monday, November 15, 2010

my own family therapy

My teacher said she thinks I need to be in therapy.  Actually, she made it as a blanket statement to the class but I took it to heart.  From where she's coming from, it makes sense.  We all have issues.  If we're trying to help clients work on their issues, we need time separate from them to work on our own baggage so it doesn't interfere with the clients.

Anyhow, today she had us do an exercise which brought us discussing our families and our feelings in small groups.  With this teacher, I don't fear the small group exercises.  Then, we watched this reenactment of multiple therapy sessions with a family where the therapist explains why she was using particular approaches.  All in all, it made me more confident about therapy and really got me to thinking I need to see someone.  I may start doing that soon.

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