Sunday, February 1, 2009

you're only as old as your mii

The Wii Sports has a Fitness portion of the game which will determine your Mii's age, based upon your balance, speed and stamina in a trial of three different games, a mixture of boxing, baseball, tennis, bowling and/or golf. I've tested out as high as my late fifties before but today, I hit 20 years old. I'm not sure how accurate this is considering I was fighting off a minor hangover at the time. Plus, I don't think they should view 20 as the optimum age (which they do) because the brain doesn't fully develop until 22. Oh well, I'll take it as an accomplishment.


Anonymous said...

You may have the Wii fitness age of a 20 year old, but you've gotta do something about that bowl-cut and those bug antenna.

topher darling said...

It's a hat, not a bowl cut, and it was either antennas or horns. :)