Friday, February 27, 2009

dentally damned

Today I went to the dentist for the first time in Portland. Actually, it was probably the first time in a decade. Why have I waited so long to go the dentist? Bad memories.

When I was in fifth grade, I got braces. Not too long afterwards, my sister got braces. Eventually she got them off. Then my brother got braces and then he got them off. Meanwhile, I still had mine. I didn't get my braces off until my sophmore year of college. It was utter hell. My lips were always getting caught and cut open. My mouth was full of metal. If I had a time machine, I would've probably gone back in time and knocked all of my fifth-grade-self's teeth out so I could have dentures and not have to endure the years of torture. But I don't so I have to go to the dentist.

The dentist and every person that looked at my teeth knew that I wasn't from Portland originally because my teeth were in good shape, hence, I must have had fluoride in the water growing up which I did. I didn't have cavaties but I did get a lecture and several suggestions on proper tooth care. I will now be flossing regularly.

When I was young, my teeth were coming in all wrong and now they are straightened so I'm grateful for that but I just wish it had been an easier process. The day I got my braces off was probably one of the happier days of my entire life.

The above picture was taken on my walk home. The dentist office was off of Weidler in NE Portland. I walked there from work and then walked back home. It was a damn gorgeous night. To celebrate my good dental report and the fact that was Friday, I met a friend at Crush and coincidentally had drinks right next to the mayor. Crazy!

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