Sunday, December 7, 2008

stagbitten and riot cops' return

Riot Cop made their debut tonight with their new bassist. They sounded awesome and it was good to see them at it again. Also, I managed to load up my white whale with the band equipment and still have room for the singer. Damn, that car's big!

Also, I had the pleasure of watching Stagbitten for the first time. The song I recorded wasn't their best song of the night and that sound is all distorted but their performance was fuggin' awesome! I know I have my issues with punk but it does seem to appeal to me when there's a female vocalist. I think it's the punks and not the music though. Maybe it's just because I don't get into as many disagreements with female punks as I do the males. Or maybe the bands I know with female vocalists just sound better. At any rate, Stagbitten was great. Their energy was contagious and their timing was perfect. I will be seeing them again!

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