Monday, December 29, 2008

c'mon, get chatty

Today, I joined Twitter...why did I do that?

I have too many social malfunctions already. Why would I add one more?

Technology has replaced basic human interactions. Obviously, it hasn't replaced them completely for most people but it is slowly chipping away at our ability to look someone in the face and carry on a proper conversation. Cell phones, particularly texting, have reduced conversations to acronyms and boiled language down to two to three words sentences. Kids bully each other in chatrooms instead of on the playground where they are able to be so much more screwed up. Myspace allows people to collect friends and gain a false sense of social behavior not to mention broadcast the tastes, desires and associations to the whole world. Now, calling someone or even directly texting one other person is a little too passe. Now we have twitter.

I don't know. Maybe my technophobic nature is just swelling or maybe I will end up enjoying it. One good thing I can say about twitter is that it allows you to catch up with people in a simple and sweet manner and make you feel a little more connected...even if it is to an electronic device. Oh and at least it's not myspace.

Anway, if you want to follow me on twitter, my name is topherdarling.

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