Saturday, December 6, 2008

in recovery

While back in Nebraska this summer, I had a friend mention that I need to give up this whole misanthropic thing. I've been trying. I really have. It's just so damn hard to not despise humanity, especially the blonde attempting to block my shot in the picture above, when they're so damn horrendous.

At kareoke at the Galaxy tonight, I almost got up and walked home. The bar was filled with all varieties of obnoxious people. There was the table that looked like extras from the bar scenes of True Blood who I thought would get all aggro if I tried to sing a gay man's song. Then there was a table of dudes that looked like models for the St Elmo's Fire crew when they were in their prime and most despicable.

Yes, I'm bitter. It did get better though. The VJ came up to our table later and requested that we do songs because she had some spots to fill before she called it a night. It was nice to feel appreciated and eventually the SEF crew left and the TB table got drunk enough to be pretty nice.

I think that a lot of my attitude had to do with a lot of environmental issues that have been weighing on me as of late. That and I just watched Hellboy 2 which had a nice misanthropic message. I need to avoid those catalysts if I want to recover and develop a better sense of humanity.

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