Thursday, April 17, 2008

walking it off

As paralyzing as the 11th hour was, I can't just sit around. So I went for a walk.

As I've stated before, I hate using my car. I hate it because I hate traffic and I hate paying for gas. But I also hate what it does to the environment.

I have gotten lazy and I will drive every now and then when I could walk, bike or even scooter. Today, I even bussed. I had to make it up to NE Portland for another one of my client's photoshoots. He's going to be on the cover of the company newsletter because he rocks. Rather than drive up or even scooter up there. I took my car up MLK until I reached Killingsworth. Then, I walked 55 blocks to his house. I love walking anyway and I haven't strolled down Killingsworth before so it was a great opportunity.

What shocks me is how shocked people at work were when they found out I *gasp* WALKED to an event for a client. Walking is completely out of the realm of possibility for so many people. This is why I believe that humanity is so beyond screwed. Well, despite our eventual fate, I am going to continue walking and continue talking about it to my co-workers in hopes that maybe they'll try it...soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't mean to sound self righteous. I should agree to walk when Ashes is around more often.

I just get so overwhelmed. My effect is so little and the effect of government & corporations is inconceivably large. They are responsible for taking away the infrastructure for alternatives to fuel based technologies and replaced it all with fuel-centric bullshit(among many other atrocities). But you know that..