Wednesday, April 16, 2008

just one person

I'm too depressed to really write. Hell, I don't even know how I made it to work today. We're all going to die.

I watched The 11th Hour yesterday. It's Leonardo DiCaprio's inconvenient truth. It's a documentary about the state of the world and how we are heading for disaster. I know all of this information but to see it so well put-together and just laid out there like that was a bit mind-blowing.

It's pretty bad when the positive side of it all is that while man will destroy ourselves within the next generation, at least the earth will live on, although with only a small fraction of the diversity of life that lives on earth now.

Mankind's only hope depends upon not only corporations changing their ways but every person altering their priorities (ie abandoning capitalism) and I don't see that happening. We are so fucked. Fuck.


Anonymous said...

Good post! Driving through Texas I saw some of the largest windfarms in the world. Did some research and found out that they have enough wind energy in Texas to serve 4.5 million homes. There's solutions out there, but the sense of urgency hasn't dawned on the majority of people yet. As an engineer, the energy crisis is probably the most fascinating and compelling problem out there. Don't give up hope, there's some serious brains trying to tackle this problem.

topher darling said...

I was hoping that your engineer brain would be one of them. Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I hate to be the one to bring it back down but...

The technological solutions are too little too late. It takes 100 years for the emissions released today to stop effecting climate change and our natural, most efficient carbon cleaners(old growth forests) are almost completely gone with only 1% remaining. What's going to clean the emissions folks? We are no where close to stopping all emissions today. We are going to have it awfully rough if we survive. But if we act (ie get rid of corporations, nationalist governments, and abandon agriculture) now to end this decadent lifestyle, maybe what's left of our children and grandchildren will have some semblance of a healthy life.

I felt vindicated by this movie. Radicals have been shouting out the warning for many years now. You'd think at least the christians would have learned from the Noah's ark story where the villagers laughed at the crazy guy shouting that the world was gonna flood. But no.

But so what I'm right. Now the solutions are required to be very drastic and everyone's investing in silly stop-gap measures to save the planet. Nobody will listen to what the real solutions are and they'll write them off as extreme just like they did Global Warming in the first place. Guess I can console myself with my correctness as I try very hard not to starve to death or die in freak storms.

Anyone who is serious about saving their ass(or their children) would start organizing for revolution now!