Friday, April 18, 2008

defining misanthropy

It's a difficult balance, being involved in social justice movements and being a social worker while also being a misanthrope. I can't help it though. I hate to see injustices in the world but then again, I know that the world would be a much more harmonious place without the blight of humanity here.

Misanthropy is defined as a general dislike, distrust, or hatred of the human species, or a disposition to dislike and/or distrust other people. And I helped contribute to that definition. For the first time, I added a few bits to a definition in Wikipedia, specificaly under misanthropy. (see the link) I love Wikipedia as a source for information. I use it way too much.

Anyhow, before I start getting concerned calls, I love all of you (you being those I know that read this blog). Just because I think that we are a virus doesn't mean that I don't love my family, friends and a lot of the people I work with. I love myself but I consider me to be part of the problem as well. I don't like and don't trust people as a species. I'm much more of an animal person. Animals are victims to humanity's ignorant barbarianism. Plants are too but it's easier for me to sympathize with animals because I can tell they like me.

The picture above is not altered at all. It was a shot I took of the inside of a pipe that leads into the Willamette River. It's kind of neat-looking, until you realize that the colorful streak at the bottom is sludge and crap that is being dumped into the river. Fucking humans.

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