Wednesday, April 30, 2008

an eco-terrorist superhero

I love superheroes. I'm an adolescent at heart that way. Superheroes' stories are often a lot deeper than you would imagine and are chronicled nicely (although not always consistently) in comic books. While looking up misanthropy on Wikipedia a while back, I came across Poison Ivy from the Batman lore. Poison Ivy isn't a comic book figure I have given much thought to but I decided to look into her background. Most of the stories that she is involved in have her saving land and nature from developers and being labeled as a villain for doing so. Also, Wikipedia refers to her as an "eco-terrorist" which makes her a superhero in my book.

Today, I bought "Batman and Robin" for our ATE room. I bought it primarily because Poison Ivy is in it, although her character is written poorly. However, the movie isn't dark and is client-appropriate, not matter how lame it is. It's the first movie I've ever bought for the program and donated to work. Hopefully this doesn't become a habit. While we watching it today, I found myself geeking out and trying to defend everything Poison Ivy did, much like I have found myself doing for the Wicked Witch of the West, another misanthrope and also an animal activist. Also green. I guess I'm just partial to green.

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