Friday, March 7, 2008

working on my resolve

For New Years, I resolved to learn sign language. It's taken me over two months but I finally took a class on it. I may still try to pursue it further but today was a good start.

My work is really good at training. I'm required to have a minimum of 20 hours of training in anything related to my field every year. Last year, I believe I logged 87 hours of training. I just love learning new things. So when I heard that there was a ASL class being offered by a system of group homes for providers, I quickly volunteered.

What's fascinating is the evolutionary nature of sign language words. Once an action becomes irrelevant and incoherently represents the word, it changes. I guess the same is said for spoken words, especially in English but I was just surprised to hear that the same rule applies here. You say "cracker" by hitting the top of your fist on the bottom of your opposite arms' elbow because that's how people used to break crackers into their soup. Crazy. A lot of words are a combination of the spelling of the word made easy and several words such as "a", "I" and "is" are often excluded because they are deemed unnecessary. All and all, it looks pretty easy to learn, at least easier than other foreign languages. I think I'll pursue this.

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