Monday, March 10, 2008

why i hate fandango

Inflation sucks. I am not that old and I remember going to the movie theater in Yankton, South Dakota for the children’s matinee for $1. I remember that the popcorn in the theater in Curtis, Nebraska on cheap-ticket night was FREE. I realize that I’m not in the Mid-West anymore and times have changed but I had a $10 gift card for “popcorn and a movie” which would only buy the ticket (after I claimed to be a student) and then I could afford the BUTTER on the popcorn but not the popcorn itself. Big theaters SUCK.

I love the second-run and independent theaters. I don’t understand how people can afford the regular ones. I definitely do not understand how families can take their kids to a theater. For tickets for a family of five, it would be forty dollars!!! A small popcorn is $5! So is a small pop! I didn’t look beyond that but it would be at least a $60 expense for an average family to go to the fricking movies!

Despite my disdain for the monstrous metroplexes, it was the only place for me to see “Be Kind Rewind,” which was HILARIOUS. I went to the 10:30 pm showing even though I have to work tomorrow. The movie didn’t get over until 12:30 am or so. It’s weird to be in a place like that when there’s nobody else around. I got a chance to look at the environment there and realize how ridiculous it was. There are neon lights everywhere, highlighting every door and every sign. It’s like a mini-Vegas except that the drinks are affordable in Vegas! No wonder the theaters charge so much. If they’d reduce the excess and the unnecessary, they could save a bundle and cut down on their overhead and make their prices more reasonable. But of course, that’s the nature of the beast, unreasonable prices to make more and more and more money. At least at the smaller theaters, you can tell they really enjoy movies and not just money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

call me next time you see a jack black movie ... damn! I bet this was hil-fucking-larious!