Thursday, June 12, 2008


In the Golden Compass and its sequels, author Philip Pullman introduces the idea of daemons. He explains that peoples' daemons are like their souls living outside their body in animal form. Daemons are essentially pets which are empathetically linked to their humans. Maybe that's why I liked the series so much.

I completely relate to a pet being a reflection of a person's soul and humanity and I think other people do too. Why else would there be the "Lord, please help me to be the person that my cat/dog thinks I am" bumperstickers? I know it's a joke but I believe there's a bit of truth in it as well. It sounds ridiculous but the therapy that pets can provide mentally and/or physically ill people is well documented. Pets enrich people's lives. Now, I'm not saying that people are hollow and soul-less without pets but pets are a way for people to wear their heart on their sleeve.

I can also relate to Pullman's idea that it is painful for a human to distance themselves from their daemon. Today, I had to leave Dean at the vet so he could get his hips x-rayed. It was heart-wrenching to do. The doctor speculated that his limping could be the result of arthritis or nerves being pinched in his hips. Fortunately, the x-rays proved otherwise. It turns out that he has a minor tear in his muscles which will heal after a few weeks of not running off-leash. The vet, who was really awesome, recommended swimming for a healthy exercise alternative for Dean. So we will be visiting the Sandy River frequently over the next several weeks under doctor's orders. Plus it will be good just to get away with my daemon.


Lynnett said...

FYI--I love the idea of pets being part of our soul outside our body. I believe it 100%. I don't know how I'd have made it through w/out my wiener-dog.

Anonymous said...

Can I come to the beach with you and your daemon?!?!

Anonymous said...

Uh, I meant the river. D'oh!