Tuesday, June 10, 2008

comic book guy

Comic books were probably my most frequent and consistent purchases as a kid. I wish I could say I was into the Superhero comics but they usually ran in a series and it was difficult to keep up with them unless you visited the comic book store regularly. No, for me, it was Archie, Hot Stuff, Groo (most of you probably won't know who that is) and some others for me. Pretty lame but then again, aren't all comic books.

I used to love going to Geano's Barber Shop in Hartington, NE because he would usually have some great comics on the coffee table while I waited for my turn. Well, today, I went to get my haircut but stopped at Excalibur Comics before I went there. In continuing with my obsession with Poison Ivy, I found a comic about her. I was hoping for some art that would inspire a T-shirt design for me because I'd love a Poison Ivy/Eco-Terrorist shirt. Unfortunately, it didn't have any good graphic. However, I did add a few more dork points to my nerd scale by purchasing my first comic book in maybe 20 years.

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