Sunday, February 3, 2008

the superbored

A friend told me a story today about how she was invited to a friend’s houseboat for a party years ago. It turned out to be a superbowl party on a houseboat with an NFL coach and several players. I know that it would be a dream for some people to be at a superbowl party with an NFL coach and players but it would be a nightmare for me. Being stuck on a houseboat like that too for a football party would be like the last level of hell for me.

When I was in college, my roommate and I used to go over to my former high school classmate’s place for superbowl parties. I would just go to socialize and would spend most of the game in the kitchen with his wife talking about soap operas. Football is just too damn boring.

When I moved up to Portland and came out, I sort of made a vow to myself never to subject myself to another football game. I like soccer and hockey. Hell, I’d even watch basketball but not football. Well, today, I went to a superbowl party.

It was at some friends’ condo and more than half the people there didn’t care about the game so it was tolerable. Plus I got some good party cheese and veggie pate in the food box so circumstances were right for me to go. I could only sit through half of it though.

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