A month ago, I ordered new panniers for my bike. I had a pannier but I didn't care for it that much because the top handle on it broke and even before that, it wasn't convenient to carry. So I shopped around for a bit and wasn't happy with any of the factory made bags. Black Star Bags, which is located with Double Darn custom makes bags so not only could I get the features I want but I could also get them in the colors. Of course that means that the bag was going to have some pink it it.
After I picked them up, I realized that they looked a bit like my client's high school musical backpack but oh well. They're fabulous and I love them. I was hesitant to spend the money on them but I got a considerable tax return this year and I would be supporting a local company and getting something uniquely Topher.
What else?
I notice that most of my posts have been about biking lately. It's just that the weather is getting so nice here and there that it's very pleasant to bike and I usually take more pictures in biking situations. This morning, I decided to get there 20 minutes early so I could make coffee before our morning meeting. In doing so, I was able to bike to work the whole way heading underneath a full rainbow. Less than five minutes after I arrived, we got a nasty downpour. Yay for fabulous timing!
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