Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the written word

Alright, maybe I hate college.

I went to work on my first real homework assignment (only 2-3 pages, double spaced) in ten years tonight.  All I was supposed to do was answer four questions.  The teacher gave us an example but said not to use it as an example.  My problem was that I didn't even understand the wording of the question.  It's odd that a school of thought that is all about leveling the playing field and inclusion would need it's own glossary.

I got fed up and pissed.  I wasn't getting any help from the book or the readings and the teacher's example was hardly an example that I could use, even if I wasn't supposed to use it in the first place.  Argh!

I walked away from the exercise and vented to my lovely housemates about how frustrated I am and ended up resigning that I was going to have to e-mail my professor and ask her what exactly she wanted.  However, I came back to the assignment later on the night, shortly before I was planning on going to bed and skipped the first question which I didn't understand at all.  I went to the next question which I sort of understood but not enough to feel confident in my answer.  The third and fourth question I got and was able to answer thoroughly.  Then I felt good about the the first two questions and was able to get it done.

Wow, hopefully this all starts coming to me a lot easier or it's going to be a rough three-four years.

The picture above is a haiku that I had written on the fridge of Lenin's house in Berlin.

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