Friday, February 27, 2015

i eat weird food

I eat weird food. I totally own that. When we went to a vegetarian Asian restaurant (VegetAsia) years ago and they had vegetarian eel on the menu, I ordered it. That wasn't such a good choice but it usually pays off. Like today when I went to 24th And Meatballs for lunch.

I’ve been hesitant to go there due to the word “meat” but was recently assured by a friend that they have veggie options. So today, I got the vegan balls in polenta with pesto sauce. It looks messed up (Actually, it looks like falafel in a plate of hummus with a cilantro sauce) but it was AMAZING. There is only the one veggie balls on the menu (however, their special balls were vegetarian too) but you can get them in a number of different styles like on the side, in pasta, in polenta, in a hoagie, etc, and then you can also choose a variety of sauces. I look forward to many more meals there with many more bizarre combinations!

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