Monday, May 23, 2011

goodbye sophomore year

I had my last day of class today.  It's the first in a set of lasts that will signal that summer is coming for me.  To end the class, we all did our group presentations on talking about the different aspects of the problem of commercially sexually exploited children.  Really I learned a lot about this topic both through this day of presentation and throughout the rest of the class time spend discussing it.  I spent most of this past week preparing this presentation (which included the Bill video pictured above from Schoolhouse Rock).  I even took it upon myself to make nice color handouts, explaining all of the different pieces of Oregon legislation around the issue.  I was pretty confident before we began our presentation.  I was only further assured when the instructor announced that she all felt we as a class had gone above and beyond for this assignment and would all be getting a letter grade above our first assignment so I'm getting an A.

At the end of class, I was kind of surprised by how unemotional I was with not seeing any of my classmates again.  I may have some classes with them next quarter but I think all of them will be taking Advanced Generalist Practice II while I will only be taking electives.  I didn't bond with this class like I did with my classes my first and second quarter last year and I was with these people all year round.  At the end of the class, the instructor gave us each a sheet of colored paper.  We were to put our name on it and then pass it to the person to our right.  They would write something that they will remember us by on it and pass it to their right and so on until your paper gets back to you.  While doing it, I was reminded of yearbook signing at the end of high school.  I hardly knew some of the people in class and I had to even count back to find out whose paper I had to try to match a face with the name.  I jokingly said that I was going to write, "Have a nice summer" on some but I mostly said, "I admire your passion."  Some people I actually really liked in class and others I truly respected.  Most of them remain strangers to me though.  It's sad but it's okay.  I'll have a lot of goodbyes coming up soon enough with moving and leaving my internship.  I'm okay with easy goodbyes right now.

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