Friday, January 30, 2009

movie gems

Recently, my movie snobbery has flared up and I realized that I've been watching too many Judd Apatow movies lately. What's wrong with me?

I rented an independent film the other night, "Save Me" about the ex-gay movement. It was a really good movie and Judith Light (Angela from Who's the Boss) did a fabulous job. Tonight, my friend Sophia had an extra ticket "Rumba on the River," an independent documentary of life on the Congo. It showed at Whitsell Hall at PSU. If I was in the mood to oppose popcorn cinema, this was the perfect place for me. However, I need to remember that independent doesn't automatically mean good. This movie did nothing for me. I only managed to stay awake because I was enjoying watching the guy in front of Sophia fall asleep.

There are definetly good movies showing in Portland that I can indulge in and still have a good time. Take tomorrow for instance. I'm going to go see a late night showing of TRON! Woo hoo!

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