Sometimes synchronicity is quite obvious. Last night, I started reading Dan Savage's latest book, American Savage and in particular his chapter on his mother and Catholicism. That night, I dreamt about going to communion and feeling slightly guilty about it since I haven't been to church in a long time but I was given a large communion wafer. Then today, I received an email from a nun. I have a distant family member who is a nun in Chicago I believe who occasionally sends out mass emails. Usually it's about the meaning of holidays or reminders to keep disaster victims in our prayers. Every year, I get a birthday email from her. It's never personal. I don't believe that we've ever met but somehow, from some relative, she got a hold of my email address. I haven't really given any of the emails much thought until yesterday when she sent me a prayer pledge regarding the Supreme Court's decision on same sex marriage.
In the email, it states that the fight against same sex marriage is a fight for truth, for our children, and our country's future. There are times where I ignore this kind of hate because I feel that the person isn't worth appealing to or that it could damage our relationship if I challenged them. However, I don't have a real relationship with this nun and I would be interested in hearing her side and having her hear my side so I wrote back. I remained civil but was quite clear that I thought that the fight against same-sex marriage was more damaging to children than same-sex marriages could ever be. I got a little personal in it, relaying my own experiences with the church's hate but again, I kept it civil.
As of yet, I haven't heard back from her and I'm not sure that I will. But I can sleep easier knowing that I tried.
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