Saturday, March 14, 2015


This morning, around 12:30am, I was having a normal dream and all of the sudden, I stepped out of a door and onto some creepy crawlies. It freaked me out enough to wake me up and I thought they were in the bed with me so I screamed a blood curdling scream. Obviously, I freaked Andrew out too which I feel bad about.

I've never woke up and screamed before. I don't know if I've ever actually screamed like that before at all. So, to compound my issues, I decided that we should watch the Babadook tonight. What the fuck was I thinking?

What else?
Besides the screaming, my new thing today was having Bridge City Pizza which I really liked. Yesterday's new thing was having the BBQ plate at the Bye and Bye and Thursday's new thing was having a strawberry banana bubble tea from Best Baguette. I was going to say that I need to do less food items for my new things but if it's a choice between that and screaming in the middle of the night, then pass me the bubble tea.

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