The pic above is of John Paul. He was one of my favorite guys at GW. Last summer, he was hit by the MAX train and was killed. I have many John-Paul-isms in my head and think of him quite frequently. Whenever someone says my name with a W instead of an R or whenever I hear the phrase, "baby boy", he's the first guy that come to mind. I was looking for a photo to illustrate my emotions right now and this one comes close because I'm feeling heartbreak.
Yesterday, I toured a facility, very much like the one that JP used to attend at GW but it was very nice and organized and I didn't have the baggage with it like I have at GW. I also found out that GW is no longer serving clients in their stores starting in January. This will have an impact on many people I know and care about and it makes me furious.
Then, today, there was another mass shooting. This one was at a facility like the one I toured and like the one that I used to work with JP at. Last I heard, 14 people were dead. It's awful when there are shootings anywhere but this was just so random. And it's killing me. I don't want to keep reading about these things. I don't want us as a society to see about these on our Facebook feeds, have a moment of silence, and then scroll past. I don't want prayers and I don't want people to move on. I want to not feel like this is a threat. I want to feel like this isn't commonplace. Fuck, I mean, our last major mass shooting in the US was just this last weekend at a Planned Parenthood. Goddamn it!
I'm just sickened and I don't know what else to say.
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